2024 / 09 / 17         26~32°C         65~95%

Enhance Mobility of Parking Space, MIA New Parking Charge Scheme

2017 / 08 / 01

Macau International Airport (MIA) will implement a new charging scheme for airport car parks on 1st September, 2017.  After adjustment, the hourly rate for car will be MOP 6, and the hourly rate for motorcycle will be MOP 2.  Daily rate service will be cancelled.

 To cope with the future development and Infrastructure extension program, the number of carparks in MIA will be affected.  This is the first adjustment of the car park charges since 2008, hoping to increase the mobility of the carpark, allow passengers and greeters in need get more chances to park their cars. We hope the public will support and understand the above arrangement.